Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Keynote Tip # 1

So, Keynote is probably my favorite app EVER. I do pretty much everything with it and the quality of the rendering is simply stunning. Unfortunately due to all the win pcs out there not many people use Keynote, and this is why we are obliged to experience those crappy , awful , excruciating powerpoint presentations. Many people asked me advice on Keynote and I thought about doing a series of tips tutorials on how to exploit Keynote features at its best.

Here is the first tip about using shapes to mask images.
Hope you find it useful.

( apologies for the crapy quality o the microphone but my gold plated Neuman valve u47 is in repairing....)

Keynote Tip # 1 - Masking with Shapes By Giorgio Ungania
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Creative Commons License
Apple Keynote Tips by Giorgio Ungania is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at giorgioungania.blogspot.com.