Sunday, June 22, 2008

Apple Motion 3 gets Pink!

Some months ago Pink came for the first time to the Middle East and preformed one concert in Dubai. 

At SAE Dubai  we also run a commercial division and we offer our services for clients interested in our expertise. In this specific case we have been asked by our good friends at  Mirage Promotions   , ( now Live Nation Middle East ), to produce a TVC to promote the concert on TV and Cinemas across the Region.

As source material we had nothing but the commercial DVD of her concert, which we got from the local Virgin Megastore. The official Digibeta tape was late on delivery and we had to release the clip asap.

Having considered that the promo had to run on big cinema theatre screens ,  I was a little bit concerned about using the ripped footage from the DVD  as all the digital compression will show up pretty bluntly. So I decided to use the footage as simple background and to use a lot of motion graphics to " mask "it. 

I used entirely Apple Motion , and created a series of animations that run all across the promotion. To sync the graphic movement with the music groove I intensely used the audio behavior feature , which allows you to analyze the rhythm of a song and create automatic keyframes that you can then use to trigger any given parameter.

If I had to do it manual keyframes matching the beats , it would have took ages!

In the commercial particles emitters are generating the flying objects creating  continuos move across the screen ( distracting the eye from the background...)

The only non Apple tool utilized,  is the Idustrial Revolution  Volumetrix plug in to highlight the text on the end page.

We edited the music to the desired  length and I could not resist in adding some guitar parts especially to reinforce the ending part.


Creative Commons License
Apple Keynote Tips by Giorgio Ungania is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at