Monday, May 18, 2009

We never stop learning

Click Here to View The Video Titled: SAE Digital Teaching Academy

Giorgio Ungania, Apple Distinguished Educator Middle East and Head of Commercial Services for SAE International introduces the The Digital Classroom Program

"Step into the future of education and learn how to create cutting edge lessons for your students"

This 4 day workshop provides educators with the skills and knowledge to develop engaging student-focused effective projects using digital resources.

Educators will work collaboratively to develop an original project that incorporates pictures, audio, video and text.

At the end of the course participants will be given an SAE internationally recognized certificate.

The New Skill Sets

Upgrade your teaching skill-set to modern standards and master the new tools to communicate and educate This training program helps teachers in fully integrate digital technologies into their classes.
The Basics of the New Language

The Digital Teaching Academy training program provides teachers with foundational technology skills and high quality integration strategies to become confident an comfortable with the technology in their classrooms.

Now running in Dubai but soon in other SAE Institutes arounf the world.

For more information go to


Creative Commons License
Apple Keynote Tips by Giorgio Ungania is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at