Monday, June 16, 2008

Broadcast Yourself, Live

Ok, YouTube changed the rues of the game ; aside intellectual property issues, the app. opened new horizons in media production and distribution. Of course there is the limitation of the frame size and internet connection bandwidth availability but now YouTube is an institution, same as brands like Toyota, Fender or KFC. 

My son spends more time on Youtube than conventional mediums like TV or Dvd ( he is only 8 year old ) .
But, to be a real competitor of traditional media , YouTube misses a factor that makes programs even more appealing: live broadcasting. Live is what makes contents appealing to the audience ; it is better to watch something live, to be the first in line, rather than watching the content recorded. 

Many companies tried to come up with a spiced up version of the YouTube model, but who made it big time is Stickam. You simply need to sign up and you are ready to go live on the web through your webcam. This is the real beginning of the end for traditional media.  Just imagine independent producers creating original content to be distributed live over the net. No satellite fees, no on air advertisements, only web virus marketing and you are ready to become a star. 

Some people produce really amazing programming, like my idol Leo Laporte at Twit TV that uses video switchers and multicams. He makes some money through advertisements ( embedded) but he does it because he understands that this is the future and he believes 100% that old media is getting another nail in its coffin.

There is no going back, try Stickam, put your program schedule as an XML and send me a link. I will put it into iCal and get my popcorns ready for your show.


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Apple Keynote Tips by Giorgio Ungania is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
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