Monday, June 16, 2008

Dead Strip - Dead Hope -iPhonePro

Ok, some time ago I was given an Iphone as a gift; although I am leaving in a "No Iphone yet ,area" I did the whole lock unlocking jailing thing and I got it fully functional. The user experience was amazing , and even though I never get version 1.0 of anything, the device was stunning and working like a breeze. 

Of course the address-calendar syncing features is the most important to me, and the phone make it happen. Suddenly though, after a month or so, I got one of the most deadly disease you can get on the iPhone : THE DEAD STRIP .

The dead strip is a known issue that affects the very first generation of Iphone and what it does is simply "burns" a portion of the touch screen making the access to that area not working. Although there is a community in the cloud trying tricks to fix the bug there is no way of getting your device to initial status. The only repairing possible is the replacement of the touch screen, that of course it is not possible"yet" in this part of the world.

While I am waiting for the iPhone 2.0 to be officially launched in this area so I can fix my 1.0 one, I created a photoshop version of my ideal iPhone. Installed are the apps I cannot leave without... 


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Apple Keynote Tips by Giorgio Ungania is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
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