Sunday, June 15, 2008

I don't drink tea I drink coffee my dear...

After a long time my dearest friend and my son's godfather Eugenio Cappuccio finally made it to Dubai. I know Eugenio since the times at Orbit, where he was among the few guys launching Music Now and I was the dude behind the mixing console. Eugenio is an amazing feature film director , and started getting in the biz as first assistant director to Italian Maestro Federico Fellini .
We spent 10 days together exploring Dubai and its desert and we had a hell of a time. There are many things here in Dubai that can inspire a visionary writer director like him and I am sure that sooner or later we will see these inspiration in one of his features. Although the temperature is getting pretty tough over here now , we really enjoyed ourselves outdoors, on the beach and on the famous Ramzi's boat ( Ramzi is a good friend of mine with very good taste for modern art and speedboats). Also I took the chance to have Eugenio chairing a Q&A session with SAE Dubai film students and it went very well indeed. For more info on Eugenio check out his ( web1.0...) site here.


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