Monday, June 2, 2008

Radiology in the digital age

The other day I was chewing on my sandwich and I crack a tooth in half; no pain but it shocked me because it was a clear sign of my seniority advancing. Went to the dentist, got a scan, and now I am waiting to get an implant. As you all know dentists are pretty damn expensive and after I got a quotation here in Dubai I asked for a copy of the scan that was emailed to me.  I forwarded the mail  to a relative f mine who is in Italy and is also a dentist.

Of course I will get the job done in Italy as they will give me a super friendly price, but this event reminded me something that my favorite podcaster Leo Laporte once told us in one of his shows : in the U.S. radiologists are going through tough times as many medical enterprises are now outsourcing the interpretations of xray scans to emerging countries like India. So they charge the client with the cost of the scan but they prefer to pay less somebody else to give a diagnosis of the treatments and so on. Here is another example on how jobs that are based on interpretation of data are more and more outsourced to less expensive areas of the world. Electronic version of documents can now be easily shared over the internet and are changing so many business models, including radiology. Fascinating.  

For the record, here is the scan of my poor gone tooth.


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