Sunday, June 1, 2008

Who are you listening to ?

Audible is a life saver. You can purchase and download to your audio player books, articles, lessons; there are around 500.000 titles to choose among. I have a subscription and I buy one tile a month. Now instead to listening to boring radio-shows and crappy ads I listen to books while I am stuck in Dubai traffic; amazing, now between podcasts and audiobooks my ipod is becoming one of my most precious belongings. Now I am listening to The Pillars of the earth by Ken Follett. The book is 974 pages long, the audiobook 9 hours of mp3 files. Plus you get to save some trees in the Amazon.  Audible


Creative Commons License
Apple Keynote Tips by Giorgio Ungania is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at