Sunday, August 22, 2010


10 years ago, in year 2000, the United Nations (UN) defined 8 major goals to reduce extreme poverty in the globe by year 2015. Those goals were named as: “Millennium Development Goals” (MDG). Which are as follows:

1 - Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
2 - Achieve universal primary education
3 - Promote gender equality and empower women
4 - Reduce child mortality
5 - Improve maternal health
6 - Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
7 - Ensure environmental sustainability
8 - Develop a global partnership for development

The United Nations defined for each of these goals measurable targets that are regularly visited and evaluated to ensure the progress. Those goals are essential for any nation’s sustainability & continuity. Placing those goals was very essential by the UN with so many nations being at risk because those goals were compromised at their end.

This year, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which has a parallel vision to the UN’s MDG, decided to co-host with TED a TEDxChange event on the 10th anniversary of the MDG commandment. This TEDx will reflect on the MDG achievements that happened during the last 10 years and what still needs to be done. All of this will be under the slogan “The Future We Make”.

This event will be on 20th of September 2010. The speakers will be from across the community, thinkers & doers who are contributing with changes that reflect in a way or another on the MDG, and to the wellbeing of humanity.

This TEDx will be live streamed to all the TEDx partners across the globe. TEDxDubai will be partnering with TEDxChange and to shed some light on the people from Dubai’s community who are contributing in a way or another to the same causes.

Iman Ben Chaibah and Uzma Atcha will be co curating this edition of TEDxDubaiChange that will take place on September 20 in a venue still tbc.

To get involved you can contact directly Iman and Uzma at

The Future we Make, September 20 2010

To register to attend TEDxDubaiChange please fill the form HERE

Please notice that only registered delegates will be able to attend


Unknown said...

you can watch hellcats online on my blog, if you want... all in is free

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