Thursday, July 8, 2010

TEDxDubaiLive : TEDGlobal Live Webcast in Dubai

I am off to TEDGlobal2010 in Oxford. It is the tip of the iceberg after the adventure of TEDxDubai.

After importing the TEDx brand to the UAE we succeeded in reverse engineering the process exporting two of our speakers to the main TED event: Jamil Abu Wardeh and Dr. Naif al Mutawa will be addressing the audience at TED Global and the will surely carry with them a little bit of TEDxDubai.

Here are the links to their talks at TEDxDubai2009 :

Dr.Naif al Mutawa at TEDxDubai2009

Jamil Abu Wardeh at TEDxDubai2009

Furthermore I will also have the opportunity of speaking at another TEDGlobal panel specifically tailored for all the TEDx licensees worldwide, and I will share with them the story about the passion, commitment and devotion of the UAE community making TEDxDubai2009 the global success that it has been.

TED is all about Ideas Worth Spreading and the entire TEDxDubai team is extremely proud to have contributed to spread ideas coming from the Middle East.

The TEDGlobal2010 edition runs under the the theme " And Now The Good News " and we are also very happy to share another Good News : TEDxDubaiLive , the live stream of the TEDGlobal Conference directly to Dubai.

TEDxDubaiLive is made possible by the kind support of AlAanTV, Dubai Media City and the collaboration of TEDxDubai and TEDxDuctac.

TEDxDubaiLive is a free event taking place in the Dubai Knowledge Village auditorium during the days of the TEDGlobal event.

To access the venue you will need to register here and bring with you an ID to access the auditorium.

The detailed program of the speakers is here

TEDxDubaiLive will run from the 13th to the 16th and after the registration you can come and go at your convenience.

Don't forget to register and again many thanks to ALAanTv, Dubai Media City and TEDxDucatc to make TEDxDubaiLive possible.

Please tweet the event under the #TEDxDubaiLive hashtag,


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