Tuesday, June 29, 2010


On June the 30th we are celebrating the UAE Social Media Day at the Shelter in Dubai.

During this one day event UAE residents with different backgrounds will gather and explore how they are living this new revolutionary new age of communication.

There will be also a list of speakers that will address the audience on specific projects and activities they are passionate about.

On the back of my previous blog post about the UAE being a new frontier for creative content productions, I will be sharing my view with the audience and throw some ideas on the opportunities that might be worthwhile exploring.

UNTOLD is all about stories and audiences, and I am absolutely confident that we are living in a time and age where fresh and original content is highly in demand.

Can the UAE community cater for these demands? Is the Arabic mainstream media industry ready for all this? Where do we start?

If you work in media or just want to discuss your point of view please do come along; it will be a fun night , you will meet some of the most open minded people living in the UAE and you will also understand why we need to preserve our local superhero fish, the Hammour..

If you can't physically attend you can tune into the live stream here.

A big thanks to Mita and the team of volunteers for making this happen.

See you then.

Meet up page
Google site
International Facebook page
UAE Facebook page


Creative Commons License
Apple Keynote Tips by Giorgio Ungania is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at giorgioungania.blogspot.com.